Warbirds and Airshows
By David D Jackson

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2024 Airshows

TBM Reunion/Salute to Veterans Airshow Warbird Photo Review
 Illinois Valley Regional Airport, Peru, IL -  May 17-18, 2024 - Photos taken Saturday May 18, 2024.

How cool is this?  This is the view I had when I pulled into the parking lot at my hotel on Friday evening.  This Peru, IL water tower is right along I-80, so all nighttime travelers on this road get an excellent view of a TBM painted on the side.  No doubt most travelers have no idea what a TBM is, and wonder why an aircraft is painted on the water tower. 

The TBM Reunion/Salute to Veterans is the only event of its type in the United States that is sponsored by a municipality.  Along with the funding that the City of Peru provides, local businesses donate a matching amount plus some to cover all the expenses of an event of this type.  It is also one of the very few events that does not charge for parking or admission.  While there are a number of aviation enthusiasts who come in from around the country to see this warbird event, most of the persons that visit are from the local area and come out with their families to participate in the Veteran's event and then watch a good warbird airshow.

The TBM Reunion/Salute to Veterans is one of the few shows I annually review each year.  I do this because it always has a wide selection of warbirds and because it is unique among warbirds events.  It is always good.

This year I am going to focus only on the TBM operations that go on during the Saturday event.  While there were many other aircraft I could include in this review, this year I just wanted to specifically look at what the signature TBMs for the event do during the day. 

I arrived right after 8am on Saturday morning and set up along the crowd line.  Not long afterwards this TBM was being moved from the active ramp to a non-operating area so it could be set up as a static display. 

There is a pattern to the TBM Reunion that I have come to recognize over the years.  After 9am in the morning there will be several TBMs that will take veterans out for a ride in the aircraft.  When I arrived at the ramp two TBMs were already taxiing out towards the active runway. 

The rider in the back seat of "Ida Red" was a World War Two TBM veteran.  The last time he rode in a TBM was in 1945. 

This was the third of the TBMs that made up the early morning flight.

"Ida Red" takes off with the TBM veteran aboard.

When the aircraft return, the TBMs are on static display until the afternoon airshow begins.

As part of the Salute to Veterans portion of the event, three TBMs did a missing man formation at noon time. 

Mid-afternoon, the Missouri Wing of the CAF TBM took off and then proceeded to perform a series of low passes for the crowd.

This is one of several high bank passes the Missouri Wing TBM gave the crowd. 

There were also some straight and level passes with the white clouds as a background.

The grand finale each year is a simultaneous start of the TBMs that will fly at the end of the show. 

This year six TBMs took part in the grand finale.

One by one the TBMs get in line and taxi out.

Once airborne, the TBMs each did several passes for the crowd.

I hope to return in the future to this one-of-a-kind warbird only event.  While this year's review focused on the TBM operations during the Saturday event, there were many other warbirds that participated.  All of them made for a great Saturday at the airshow.



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